Healing Potion


This is for the purple heart shaped bottle.

Games have healing potions and anything in real life is just a prop. But today we have the real live thing. Healing potion is muscaroil with one drop of rosemary for fragrance and power, won in a game of chance with a nearby tavern owner. In a bottle meant for a king or queen from a far off land. How it was obtained is the stuff of legends and no one here is talking.

It took weeks of looting, foraging and fighting to obtain 3 of these so when they’re gone, they’re gone.

10ml muscaroil

Out of stock


Healing Potion for your Valentine Quest

This is for the purple heart shaped bottle!

Games have healing potions and anything in real life is just a prop. But this is the real live thing. Healing potion is BOLD muscaroil and power, won in a game of chance with a nearby tavern owner. In a bottle meant for a king or queen from a far off land. How it was obtained is the stuff of legends and no one here is talking.
It took weeks of looting, foraging and fighting to obtain 6 of these so when they’re gone, they’re gone.

After you use up the muscaroil reuse the bottle for cosplay, display or make your own concoction to use again. I keep mine on my altar.

10ml muscaroil, one drop rosemary

Additional information

Weight 5 oz